In Kyoto’s prime business district, the Kawaramachi area, history is kept in the Ryouma Street where this restaurant is located.
5 minutes on foot to Pontocho, the area that leads to the popular river side restaurants and their balcony located tables, famous during the summer time.
15 minutes on foot to the renowned Gion area.
20 minutes on foot to “Yasaka-jinja” shrine, Ninenzaka Street and Sannenzaka Street in the Higashiyama area.

京阪本線 三条駅より徒歩5分、地下鉄東西線 京都市役所前駅 徒歩6分、
阪急京都線 河原町駅から徒歩10分。
5 minutes on foot from Sanjo Station (Keihan Line).
6 minutes on foot from Kyotoshiyakushomae Station (Subway Tozai Line).
10 minutes on foot from Kawaramachi Station (Hankyu Kyoto Line).
〒604-8031 京都府京都市 中京区河原町三条下ル大黒町45
〒604-8031 45,Daikoku-cho,kawaramachi,Sanjo-sagaru,
Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, KyotoTEL.075-252-0344